Monday, February 20, 2012

Why I Left Whitney Houston's Funeral - Bobby Brown Explains

Bobby Brown

Bob and Whitney
Bobby Brown (Whitney's ex-husband) explains why he was absent from Whitney Houston's funeral. Although, a witness said that "Bobby was allowed to go in, pay his respects and then he had to leave. He was red-eyed going up to the casket and then left. He was there for few minutes."
Bobby said "My children and I were invited to the funeral of my ex-wife Whitney Houston. We were seated by security and then subsequently asked to move on three separate occasions. I fail to understand why security treated my family this way and continue to ask us and no one else to move. Security then prevented me from attempting to see my daughter Bobbi Kristina. In light of the events, I gave a kiss to the casket of my ex-wife  and departed as I refused to create a scene. My children are completely distraught over the events. This was a day to honor Whitney. I doubt Whitney would have wanted this to occur. I will continue to pay my respects to my ex-wife the best way I know how."
It was reported there  is still tension between Whitney 's relatives and Brown, who married Houston in 1992, and finally divorced her in 2007, because some family members felt Bobby drove Whitney into drugs, Whitney is Late,  Bobby is Clean. Who gets the blame?

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