Monday, February 20, 2012

I once wore a skin cut | Lara George

When it comes to inspirational/gospel artistes, she’s one of the artistes that cannot be ignored. Lara George has paid her dues as a gospel singer, having made many hit albums with lots of awards to her credit including: Voice of The Year, 2008, at the Nigerian Music Awards, as well as Song of The Year, 2009, Nigerian Gospel Music Wards amongst others.
She’s our celebrity guests today...
How do you feel about your natural hair?
The truth is that I love my natural hair. It’s very soft, light and at the same time it’s full as well as long too. But in all, it’s still an African hair and I love leaving my natural hair long.

It’s just that I recently took a decision to let my natural hair rest for a while and I’ve been wearing more of extensions.
So who did you take after in terms of hair?
I think I took after my mum. In fact, when I gave birth to my son, his hair was straight for the first six months and it made him look like a Chinese. And whenever we were on the streets, people would turn and look at me as if I stole him
How do you  take care of your natural hair?
Whenever I take off my extensions, I relax, condition it and use lots of hair treatment so that it can be fuller. Then, I weave it to prevent breakage. And any time I visit a new climate area, I apply much comditioner so it wont break. I also visit salon every one and half months.
Which is your preference when it comes to hair extensions?
I like the Brazillian hair because it holds curls and makes me look natural. It’s also easy to manage. And basically for any lady who’s into such prefession as mine, it’s good to always keep up the appearance and invest in good hair that wont stress you at any time one attends an occasion.
Can you tint your natural hair into colours like red, yellow?
I’ve actually considered it but I don’t think I can because it wont look nice on me. I know what soothes me best. So, I’ll rather settle for hair with colour 33 or gold highlights than go to the extreme.
What about cutting your hair?

I had cut my hair twice before. The first time I did it was in the university. At that time, I got tired of my hair and patronising salons because they were located far from where I stayed. So one day, I just got tired of it, went to the barber’s shop and had it cut. The second time was six years ago when I was carrying my son’s pregnancy. I found out that no matter how cold it was, I usually felt hot. So I pleaded with my husband to allow me cut it but he would not allow me. One day, on my way back from an occasion, I felt uncomfortable with it. So I just stopped by a barber’s shop and had it cut off.
So how did your husband react to that?
I had to beg him and he understood when he saw how horrible I felt with the hair. So after I cut it then, I was very happy.
What about shaving all of your hair?
Because I have a round face, if I shave my hair, it’ll fit me well. Actually, the last time I cut it, I had it all shaved off.
So how did shaving your hair made you feel?
For me, shaving my hair was the craziest thing I could do to my hair. But I wasn’t ashamed to wear it because it suited me. And because I’d just put to bed my boy, I looked fatter and shorter. In fact, as at that time, I wasn’t as popular as I am today. So I enjoyed the anonymity. I’ll love to do it again if I’m permitted.
Source: Vanguardngr

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